In-Person Sim Racing Leagues
5-week series in the HIP Motorsports Studios
Saturdays 10 AM - 1 PM starts March 12

Your choice of GT3 cars...
Porsche BMW Ferrari
in triple-screen motion simulators
​here at the HIP Studios
on 5 exciting virtual racetracks
including seat time in our incredible
Continuous Rotation Simulator
by Force Dynamics
5 race nights
practice & qualifying sessions
plus 2 races/night
​you get over $460 of
motion simulator time in
the HIP Race Studio
ONLY $300 + HST
for more info or
special Member pricing
call (905) 428-9191

The eSports Arena @ HIP
The eSports Arena at HIP Motorsports provides the perfect race simulation environment for individuals or groups. The Arena offers plenty of room for racers and spectators to spread out comfortably. The eight high-quality simulators in the eSports Arena feature triple 32" monitors, force-feedback pedals and steering, plus a motion platform to deliver a high level of racing immersion.
Between sessions, you can slip over to the HIP Lounge to chill with a beverage, check out our premium simulators, or keep an eye on your competitors' laps on our huge projection screens.